Megan Burke
Associate Professor

Nichols Hall 314Office Hours
I draw on the tools of philosophy, particularly feminist and continental traditions, to study and think about the meanings, structures, and norms of gender, race, sexuality, class, and nationality. I ask how these social and political phenomena are made and lived, and I am curious about how they shape one's possibilities in the world and relationships with others, especially in relation to the threat of sexual violence. I take up these interests in my recent book, When Time Warps, through a phenomenological analysis of the way our lived experience of time is gendered through a legacy of colonial sexual violence. My book was featured in Ms. Magazine’s October 2019 Reads for the Rest Us.
PhD in Philosophy, University of Oregon (2015)
MA in Women’s Studies, San Diego State University (2006)
BA in English and Cultural Studies, George Mason University (2004)
PhD in PhilosohyAcademic Interests
Academic Interests: 20 th C Continental Philosophy, Feminist Philosophy, LGBTQ Studies, Phenomenology, Philosophy of Race, Social and Political Philosophy
Social Justice
Selected Publications & Presentations
-Burke, Megan. 2019. When Time Warps: The Lived Experience of Gender, Race, and Sexual
Violence. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Journal Articles
-Burke, Megan. Forthcoming 2020. On Bad Faith and Authenticity: Rethinking Genderless Subjectivity. In Simone de Beauvoir Studies.
-Burke, Megan. 2018. Beauvoirian Androgyny: Reflections on the Androgynous World of Fraternité in The Second Sex. In Feminist Theory 20.2. pgs. 3-18.
-Burke, Megan. 2017. Love as a Hollow: Merleau-Ponty’s Promise of Queer Love. In Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy 32:1, pgs. 54-68.
Articles in Anthologies
-Burke, Megan. 2019. “Heteronormativity.” In 50 Concepts for an Intersectional Phenomenology, eds. Ann Murphy, Gayle Salamon and Gail Weiss. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press.